Zebras from the Montgomery zoo...ever since watching the movie "Racing Stripes" Laura has been smitten with zebras. They are her favorite animal of the moment and she cannot understand why we can't have one.
This is Laura playing Nana's nintendo DS on the car ride home from her visit to Nana and Gramps house. Yes, she is already into video games and has become quite adept with several systems. I used to think it was a bad thing, but maybe in today's world it will give her an edge on technology when she gets older.
Full Garb. This is the christening used in Chris's family. It was made by Aunt Sharon, out of material from her own and Mimaw's wedding dress. It is the same christening gown used for Chris when he was a baby. She is also wearing booties crocheted by my Namaw, socks given to her by Chris' Mimaw, and a necklace given to her by her Uncle Shawn.
Alli Kathryn was baptised yesterday at 4:00 pm. The baptism was done at St. Micheal's Catholic Church by Father Todd. The same church and priest as Laura had. The people who attended were (in relation to Alli) Dad, Mom, Nana, Gramps, Granny, Grandpa, Uncle Shawn (her godfather), Uncle Charlie, Aunt Sarah, Mrs. Lacey (her godmother), and Mr. Abel.
We usually don't allow open glasses of milk in the living room, but this morning I was sitting in the floor with Laura sharing some milk. Well, I needed to get some reading done before class so I got up and sat on the couch with my book and told Laura she could finish the milk. Well a few minutes later she inevitable spills the milk...she tells me about it by saying, "Mommy, you're not supposed to leave milk on the floor".
Today Chris and I heard Laura start crying in the hall. We go to check on her and she says her nose is hurting. I ask if it's just sore from rubbing it and she says "no, the wall". So I ask if she ran into the wall, she says an emphatic "no". I ask if the wall ran into her nose, to which she tearfully replies, "yes". This lead of course to the wall getting a stern scolding from Chris :-)